Extra Stuff

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

"Tico Time. It's real."

Hello...........................lots to say :)))

This week was a week of miracles. I am telling you right now that I feel so happy and full of joy and this energy and love I can't describe. Every week as companions we have what is called a companionship inventory. Its when you talk about the positives in the other person, and then things that we can work on. I am so grateful for these talks because they bring the spirit really strong and we continue to improve and love. This last week we looked at the things that we could tighten up and improve. So this week we did them. And WE SAW MIRACLES. :) 

We found a ton of new investigators this week. But some really good ones and two families! One of them is named J. He met the missionaries because his son that lives in a different city had the missionaries over and he was there too. He said that he felt something that he had never before felt in his life and he said that he knows that this church is true and will do anything for it. He lives in our area and we have been teaching him and he accepted a baptism date and has so much faith. Now he just needs to get married, so we are going to help him do that. :) But it always is a faith builder that there really are people prepared. And when people feel the spirit, they completely change and they are willing to do whatever it takes to feel it again. 

We are also teaching a lovely person named S. Two or three weeks ago we were walking in the street and I saw this woman and I told her her shoes were really cool because...they were. :) And then we started talking and we wrote down her phone number and that was that. Two days ago, I was going through my agenda and I saw her number so we decided to call her. She was like yeah come on over!! And we did. And after talking, she accepted a baptism date and said that she wants to be closer to Jesus Christ and have these blessings and that now is the time. I was amazed at how prepared she is. The she said the most heartfelt prayer and said thank you for sending me angels in my life to help me find you. And we all felt the spirit so strong and it was just such a special experience. :)

We are also starting to teach a family. Their names are E and M and they are from Nicaragua. They have many challenges, but they truly want to change. 

Of course everything isn't miracles like these. We have had lots of sad things happen too. Appointments cancel, people don't want to meet with us anymore, lots of challenges or rejection. But the thing that is so special about this, is that the Lord really does hear our prayers, and especially the simple, sincere prayers of our investigators. That even though nothing is perfect, the hope always shines through and there is always happiness to be found.

Now some random things:

This p day we had a p day with our zone! and we played soccer!! (Surprise suprise :))) All the latinos are sooooooo good. I just run around and its the best.......someday, someday. But it really was so fun. Sometimes its easy in the week to get stressed out, so its always nice to relax a little bit and have some fun with some of the coolest people in the world. 

I really like that there are little geckos in the house that run around on the walls. True fact.

I like agua dulce. Its cane sugar and water. SOOO good. Only Ticos drink it. 

The other day we were having a lesson with some new investigators, and after we were laughing so hard because they asked me about some things that I have noticed about the culture in Costa Rica. I said that I love how people talk so passionately!! But not just some people, EVERYBODY talks with so much personality! I remember at first, I thought that they were mad, but no. Hahaha just very passionate people. They were laughing so hard. Oh my goodness I love these people! 

Ahora, or ahorita  means right now in spanish. In costa rica, ahora could mean the next day, or in an hour. For example: they are coming ahorita. when? Tomorrow night. This is what Tico Time is. its real.

:)))) I love you all so much. Pura vida and los amo. :)