Extra Stuff

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Monday, July 20, 2015

SURPRISE! Give us the keys to your apartment.

Hola Mi familiacita...

I hope you imagine this email in a latin accent. Read in Latin accent for full effect.

This week was very, very interesting. (Ok, you can stop the accent now).

One, because our president and wife came to our zone for interviews and it was awesome! Also a little nerve-wracking because they got there and then they told us, give us your keys and we are going to go check all your houses and take pictures - Surprise!!!!!! And we were like....oh snap. 
Not that our house was extremely dirty but it wasn't perfect that's for sure! 

So we gave our keys and they went. And then after they showed us all the pics in front of everyone and we all got a good talking to. But I learned some really good things because he told us that keeping our house clean keeps us close to divine things. And the temple is the example of what our house should look like. So this week and from now on our house is completely spotless. :) We are learning some great things here. 

What else? We met some really interesting people this week and some families! We met Claudia on a bus and she invited us to her house. If you could only see how many interesting people we meet everyday. 

Claudia and Jairo and their kids are really cute! They are on fire reading the Book of Mormon! Im serious. For a lot of people it's hard to help them read but with Claudia she tells us things like "Hermanas, I haven't read that much this week! Only 4 chapters!*"and we are all shocked like wow! She is one of the most humble people I've ever met. Their family is what we call golden. She has a really bad sickness and she doesn't have the medicine to help her but she trusts so much in God. I feel so much love for her. 

It rained a lot and we saw some sad things and some hard things happened but this week will be better and Im happy. :) a bird also landed on my head bit my finger. Enjoy the pic.
Such a sweet little bird, right?

Hermanas for life.

Selfie with part of our zone.

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